week 7

Pregnancy: Week 7

Momhoodadmin2 Comments

I've been slacking on the blog posts because I haven't been feeling well at all. This "morning sickness" lasts pretty much all day and hits especially hard at night. It sucks. It's honestly a little depressing that I am barely into my pregnancy and already feeling this way. Kaiden has been extra clingy as of recent days and I think part of it's due to the fact that he is constantly around new people and has a changing environment (with this trip.) I was reading, though, that toddlers can sense when mom is pregnant and will become clingy for that reason as well. He screams if I'm not by his side and as sweet as it can be sometimes, it's rather tiring. Has anyone else experienced that happen?Baby Size & Development:Blueberry. The kidneys are now in place and arms/legs are beginning to emerge. Baby's brain (both hemispheres) is developing at a rapid rate of 100 new cells every minute...no wonder I'm completely wiped!Signs & Symptoms:Nausea still.Bigger belly. I tried on a leather jacket and it wouldn't zip around my belly...so lame lol.Fatigue. All day, every day.Cravings:Nothing in particular but if there is such thing as anti-craving it would be me wanting to avoid eating all cheese. My favorite food is cheese but the thought of it makes me sick.Best Moment This Week:Arriving in PA knowing that family could help take care of Kaiden and would give me a break.Worst Moment This Week: Thinking about how much longer I have left in this pregnancy.What I Most Look Forward To:The next meal. I'm constantly hungry and have to eat little meals all throughout the day.